I will enter His gates with Thanksgiving in my heart
I will enter His courts with praise
I will say this is the day that the Lord hath made
I will rejoice for He has made me glad
all day
when I rise
when I lift up my countenance through the day
when I lay me down to sleep
I love to be thankful
it is never tiresome
This is the day I love every year
but I love most to live it every day
He has given me so much
this is my everyday gift back to Him
to give thanks
my Jesus
my Redeemer
my Friend
my Ever Faithful One
my Strength
my Deliverer
my Defender
my Provider
my King
my Eternal One
my Father
my Everything
I am ever thankful
my Today Yesterday and Forever
my Hope of Glory
my All in All
my New Wine
my Kinsman Redeemer
my Saving One
my God
my Immanuel
my Vine Husbandman
my Indescribable One
my Name Above All Names
my Great and Holy One
today we awoke with the sunshine
shared an awesome breakfast together
put in a window
in the house love built
we went to church
with joy in our hearts
and came back fuller
we shared Bobbie's favourite meal
a siesta
and then sawed wood
beautiful 2X6's
all around us Your beauty
golden leaves dancing to the earth
warm sun to dry our puddles
enough laughter to call our cup full
strength to bake a cake for a neighbour
and hotsauce enough for the winter
another meal shared
and all the while thankful
that we have been so blessed
enough to give away
always enough
this overflowing of Your good gifts
ever thankful
my favourite things