dog play
Eduardo tells his students
about how he loves his children
and how this Spring
he had 21 new kids
born at home
and they say
Wow! So many children!
Who looks after them all?
Why the nannies of course!
and then he laughs
and tells about the goat kids
I love when he laughs at his own jokes
even if they are corny
that means he is happy
and that means a lot
today 33 chileans
will be able to laugh at their own jokes
and no matter how silly
I know their wives will smile along
69 days trapped
Mario Sepulveda
was with God
and with the devil
and said
he reached out to God
God says
call out to Me in your day of trouble
I will deliver you
as each one was pulled out of the pit
I wailed
and laughed
and drank salty tears
all the while thanking God
that each family was spared
the sorrow that could have been
the simple things
will mean so much to them now
I am sure Florencio Avalos
will watch his son's every game
Omar Reygadas
will treasure holding his great grandchild
I think there will be more play
more hugs
more joyous tears
more mercy
more value placed
upon each newborn day
and rejoicing
for the 33 miners
I went out and worked hard
carried fence rails
trimmed goat hoofs
debudded horns
then sat and rested and remembered
the miracle
and watched
the goat play
and dog play
my favourite things
You really have a way with the camera, Susan. Wish you were here to give me some lessons!