How fun!
Now I get to nominate 6 others!
( By the way this idea began with Hulda Husfrue at and has taken a few turns since it's beginning... as it is a "creative blog award" it doesn't surprise me in the least that it has taken creative changes. Make it fun and beautiful, personal and intimate, whimsical and surprising, in any which way you like and I give the thumbs up to any creativity that follows it on!) check out other kreativ blogger award winners on the web to see where it has gone.
One of the ongoing ideas with it is that the receiver must post 10 facts about themselves that are potentially unknown by all of us who will be reading :) This is to encourage a little bit of cyberspace community and is meant to be fun! As I am quite an open book this will be hard for me to find anything others don't know...
Actually, as I sit here, everything I want to write... I think you all know...but then maybe some of you don't!
I will try again....
1.I love babies, more than anything... maybe some of you didn't know this... I think sometimes it is hard not to see :)
I had three marvelous pregnancies and have three of the most precious children in the world (a mom can say so) and I have three of the most gorgeous and loving granchildren ( I think a gramma can say so)
I have also had 9 miscarriages and the sorrow a mother carries through all of these losses. The tears don't ever go away completely, though faith reminds me that hope in a big God will bring us united in His love on that day when we are all changed, and when we see Him like He is. It will be a grand reunion!
2.I love the colour 'Blue' !
It is the colour of the sky when my heart is light and joyous...
It is colour of my favourite lakes, cool and refreshing on a hot summer's day...
It is the colour of my husband's eyes, and my childrens', one of my Blue dog's eyes, my own...and though I love the mystery of hazel eyes, the sparkle of dark brown eyes, the character of two tone, and the uniqueness of indian red.... for me "blue" eyes have always been gentle in my life, caring and giving... My adopted dad had blue eyes.
I can't remember the colour of my adoptive mom's eyes... she died when I was eight and no matter how much I try to see her loving face, what I see most clearly are her arms around me and her bosom as she would hold me tight...
3.I think family ties run deeper than blood....
My first dad didn't stick around; he had his pleasure and then he left. My mom's husband wouldn't have me. I know she cried when she gave me up. I think I remember that... I feel it deeply and I love her so much. I pray often for both those men. My dad and mom that took me home and loved me, gave me and my other two adopted brothers, their lives. We were everything to them. It was not a Christian home, but God lived there. His love was evident there and I know someone somewhere was praying. Years later I found the name of the Catholic Christian woman who said she would dedicate herself in prayer to my brother when he was babtized as a baby... perhaps it was her prayers that brought Jesus near. I always loved Jesus, if that is possible, in some way I always knew him. As people shared about Him I hungered for more and I recieved him as my Lord and Savioiur at an early age thanks to my dear friend's mother... along my life people have shown me the way of the gospel more plainly; how thankful I am for that gift to me, yet, somewhere, somehow I remember Him always present in my life. Immanuel, God with us; a father to the Fatherless. That first week without a father was never really without a Father...
4. Hand (love) knitted socks, mitts, and sweaters are "home" to me. As a child my adopted mom taught me to knit slippers when I was six and my brother was eight. ( my other brother, like a twin to me, had been removed from our family when we were both three with no explanation to Randy or me... something that created a deep chasm in our hearts)
When my mom died and I missed her so, I didn't match up the feeling I felt seeing friends wear their homeknitted items until much later when at 11 my new sister (dad remarried and my new mom had a 19 year old son in the Navy and a 21 year old daughter finishing as an RN), she knit matching blue sweaters for Randy and me one Christmas! It was like having Mommy Tootsie back and brought such healing to my heart.
I always found hand (love) knitted items for my children from special grannies that just had to knit, and stockings at Christmas are often filled with such!
5. I daydream... lots!
Working on a farm there is so much brainless work... I love brainless work because then I can daydream. This is mostly my prayer closet and it offers wonderful intimate times with my Lord.
6. I love 'people watching'. If I had my way I would carry a sketch book everywhere and draw everyone... even at church... especially at everyday tasks, or at the beach, or a cafe, even more especially at a wedding or kid's party or a zoo! To catch the intimate, the sarcasm, the quaint, the very heart of the moment... I am saving for a very wonderful camera that will help me take these moments back home to draw in the company of my 'reading' glasses... a new need in my life that makes many old pleasures more difficult.
7. I love taking exciting risks as long as they are definitely not going to be life threatening... I pray a lot that these exciting adventures always will end 'well' ! My husband is in no way a risk taker so life is very straightforward and constant with him (sometimes a good thing too)... but then my kids come home and my adreneline runs on the 'fun' end :) I do 'love' it!
8. I talk... alot...
I don't mean to ... but there is always so much to share. God is always so very very good!
I usually try to talk so as to stir up memories or ideas in others... I love to hear how others see things; I love to learn, and I glean so much just by hearing others share.... but if they won't, watch out, because I will!
I am trying and sometimes succeeding to just hang out with people and be the wall flower that simply is there to bless in a very quiet fashion. Being busy at ladies' tea in my home each Thursday, serving the others, is a great opportunity and I find having two ears and one mouth has great benefits.
9.I love apples. When I paint a picture of the forbidden tree I notice I always put apples on it... not because others have done so, but because there is nothing more scrumpcious to me than those memories as a young girl, of filling my boxes in apple harvest season with juicy, cool, dripping golden delicious apples; I did this with my new stepmom in the cool of the summer mornings, one of the first love memories I have of a very difficult relationship. A sweet memory I love to hold fast to. I can imagine how tempting this fruit might have been to Adam and Eve so long ago.
10. I love to swim naked...(oops)
I try to do this alone or with friends in the dark of night ... I don't do it to be seen, but to feel... there is nothing like the touch of water all over, to glide like a dolphin, deep and smooth and then to just float and find the fetal position and remember the womb... Sometimes I want to just know what it was like for God to think of me before my members were formed or I was even conceived, like the psalmist says...
1 You have searched me, LORD,
and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
4 Before a word is on my tongue
you, LORD, know it completely.
5 You hem me in behind and before,
and you lay your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.
7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,”
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you. ~Pslam 139
I haven't skinny dipped since I was a teenager... but the feeling has never left me
Now to nominate others for the
1.My eldest daughter who threw abandon out the window and has settled in South Africa... Shoshanna is one of my three great risk takers. Every day is a 'Kreativ' experience for her as she progresses on the adoption of all the children God has for her...
Her insight is precious and though the miles keep us apart, her blog brings her and her babas close.
2.Karen at
This Australian friend is artist supreme with her camera... her eye is beautiful and I am always inspired and encouraged as I visit her blog.
3.Debbie at is the author of 'Simple Poems' and very profoundly and simply teaches great lessons from God's living Word. I am always fed here. Her spirit is true, compassionate and compelling. Trust in the true and living God!
5. This is a remarkable sharing of a set of twins, the sons of Thea Jarvis the 'mama Thea' of The Love of Christ Ministries in South Africa ( where my daughters and son and myself have volunteered over the past half dozen years. Outstanding boys, never in trouble (oops) and not afraid to share everything with those who read along; laugh with them, cry with them... maybe they will post an update on their very busy lives.
6. "T" is exceptional! She captures moments and shares them beautifully. She is a writer, artist, amazing mom... walk with her as she shares: you will be blessed!
7. One of the most creative blogs because it brings in so many participants is Pioneer Woman Photography | with Ree Drummond ~
This is a fun space even in her photography of food category ... yum yum
Krista is a fine young lady who travels the world and shares the simple beauty as she goes. Presently she is settling in a new homeland/Australia ... I first met this young lady when she was just a little mite and in the dreaming stage...
Andrea has already been nominated for her I will give her a second mention here because she is so very 'Kreativ'
inspirational... beauty packed!
10. As Aimee at says, You are blessed to be a blessing!
This fine lady of the Lord has teachings that will lead and heal, minister to and bless, admonish and encourage.
I call that 'Kreativ"
11. a very favourite blog of many and for me an in everyway inspirational is AnnVoskamp, the author of One Thousand Gifts; her blog is "so" very creative in everyway possible.... won't you join the community of believers who are counting their God gifts, their grace gifts, recording their gratitudes....
As you can see I was "Kreativ' and went over the guidlines...
Tomorrow if I did it again, I would have to add more! So for today, many blessings as we go forth in the image of the One who "Kreated" us ....being made in His image, how can we not be 'Kreativ'
Rest in His Grace,
my favourite things
I loved learning more about you, faith-filled fisherlady! Thank you for sharing creative you with us! What a work of art you are in His hands.
ReplyDeleteSo very very beautiful - I love you with all my heart<3
ReplyDeleteIt has been good to know you better. Seems your daughter has also a great love for babies.
ReplyDeleteIt will be interesting to see how your new camera brings new ideas and images into your work. People are so very interesting.
Dear Susan,
ReplyDeleteThis was way over the top. You said you needed to get your son off to the university and then you'd think about it before you gave your 10. All I can say is "This us AMAZING!" I learned so much about you and that is priceless to me. Your #10 made me laugh. You are a wild one!
I also loved how you told the history/origin of the award and how you explained the creativity of all your nominees. These are precious nominations. No wonder your daughter loves you with all her heart.
I understand her feelings,
oh your heart dear friend!
ReplyDeletethings have been crazy busy here as we ramp back up in our schooling.
I am so touched...and am holding this nomination in my heart.
Did you know how badly I needed encouragement? Thank you so much.
I am thrilled to learn so much about you today. Your heart is made of steel to be able to go through so much yet you love so freely. You bring me peace and hope.
You are beyond beautiful!
I will try and pass on the nominations as soon as I can, dear heart.
Congratulations on your award. I have toured your wonderful blog and found it to be both delightful and creative.
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by and leaving a kind comment.
Pam :)
Oh Susan, I've lingered long over this post, amazed at your stories, your experiences, the deeply painful and radiantly glorious things you've gone through. Now I know why you are a kindred spirit. :-) Thank you for giving this award to me too!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on this award! I'm excited and happy for you. You were so very gracious in passing it on to those who've touched you as well.
ReplyDeleteWaving and smiling,
Oh my....I have been entranced reading your blog post. It is amazing to read the details of your life that are important to you. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and memories, and for all the blog links. I'm going to visit them too.
ReplyDeleteThanks also for visting me!
Looking forward to more visits in this new year!
Love, Debra
First, I always suspected you were skinny dipper :-) Debbie, and Dawn, and of course Ann – three blogs of your 10 that I heart. Things in your 10 that I share? family, blue, and talking. I feel like I know some much more about you now. I heart that! God bless you Susan.
ReplyDeleteHello hello~Just getting back to your question about the wreath on my blog~no, I didn't make it. My friend Christina makes them and grows all the stuff to put them together. In the summer she sells her flowers at a few local farmer's markets. She has acres of flowers and plants and does most of the work by herself.
ReplyDeleteI'll tell her you liked the wreath!
Debra... I LOVED her wreath! thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I love learning about new blogs, thanks for sharing some of your favorites:) I also enjoyed reading the list about yourself. My son is a daydreamer, I can only imagine how much he would enjoy daydreaming on a farm:) Blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteGood for you on your award! I enjoy reading and getting to know a person by the words that reveal who they are. Yours is a gift from God.
ReplyDeleteI love - this!
ReplyDeleteDid you ever find your brother who was removed when you were three? What happened? Was he adopted out?