Friday, May 17, 2013

my favourite things/ He calls our name, we know Him

they were delightful
and dancing
in goatstyle
my heart right along with them

even old Mbali
the speckled one
ran young
my old soul

Spring Fever
is for

and still
when I called
they heard
they came

so like our Saviour's voice
our Shepherd
He knows us
we know Him
we hear His voice
and come

He says
come away
a little while
let not your heart be troubled
I tell you
in my Father's House area many mansions
I would not have told you this if it were not so

I go to prepare a place for you
I will come and take you to myself

this log structure is a semblance of a beginning
it is not our home
but it helps my goats leap for joy
and makes my heart glad

He calls our name
and we know Him
He comes and gives us His Kingdom

my favourite things


  1. I can't even tell you how much this meant to me today. I'm crying like a baby-that's all I can say...

    1. I just had to share this goatish joy :) Blessings Debra
