Sunday, May 27, 2012

my favourite things/ Pentecost & May 29th

we celebrate twice

twice every year

and this year marks 35 years
that my man and I have walked this dear earth
hand in hand
with the One
Who has glued our hearts as one
though we be different
Who has given us peace after every war
words when no words could be found
no words when just being together was enough
Who has given us laughter
and a shared vision
though sometimes we have to share
how we see it
and wait
for eyes to focus
and hearts to soften
and kindness to flow

and a believing

pressing on
though sometimes we have to
find each other

sometimes love is close to hate
then back again and we wonder how it could ever have tipped so crazy
when 'together' is so much better

it is walking trails
through all seasons
watching babies become young people
with love all their own
dreams all their own
and adventures
all their own
unfolding for them
as we remember them
beginning with us

and we smile
and hold hands
and continue
down life's trail...
thankful for the One
who always holds us
and reminds us what Love is

and what Love does

today as the sun shon golden on the forest trees
while we yet slept
early in the morning
I awoke to this man yet beside me
as through most every other morning
of our thirty five years
I traced the lines of his face and hands resting
as he slept deep
I traced over them with my eyes
and realized how I know them completely
by heart
and how I love in these early hours
to waken
and just watch..
to hear his soft breath
and see the gentle and slow rise and fall
of his chest
and the morning light resting golden
across him

so beautiful he is
as he lies in this morning peace
and as he stirs
I slide my hand in his
and he squeezes it softly
though he still sleeps

and with the cat
our old Oliver
calling us up to start our day
with his meows
we join together in heart
and pray our way into this beautiful
new day
we lift all our beloveds
and their dreamings
all those about us who hurt
all those about us who rejoice
we lift them
to the One
who gifts us today
with 35 years

Bethany and Stephen
planned and cooked a banquet
for us today
ready for us as we came in after church
we had earlier phoned with Jedaiah
and Skyped with Shoshanna
and three little grand kiddies
all singing and laughing for us

That was when I noticed
someone saying
through cyberspace
that it was Pentecost

not that we had forgotten
you can't forget love
but that all this joy would fall
on our day
A God gift to us day

all this joy
and a great reason to celebrate
this was the cherry on the cake


our favourite things